Either it’s just Trump self-aggrandizing, or it’s the #TyrantClass giving us a choice between who they want (Hillary), and someone who *appears* to be a populist, but whose presentation is basically insupportable in any factual way, it just articulates a right-wing under-informed rage at the *actual* inequities that we ALL face, but in a totally self-destructive and emotion based way.
In either case, Trump is a farce. A distracting and VERY DIVISIVE farce, but a farce nonetheless.
The problem is that in his articulation of that rage, he very adroitly focuses that rage on completely inappropriate and ultimately guiltless parts of our society, by using preexisting prejudices and fears and tying them in with childish delusional 14 y/o answers that could never work in the real world, but have GREAT appeal to the lower instincts of racism and prejudice and fear in some segments of our society.
And the problem with that is simple….by unleashing this tsunami of Ignorant/Stupid/Angry into the ballot box, we could actually get a result that no one credits right now, and that is to elect another Hitleresque leader onto history who is empowered to behave exactly as he said he would, and he begins to repeat a particular part of human history, taking us ALL down a dark tunnel into another time that is a sewer of the worst parts of ourselves.
By putting these horrific consequences out of their minds, and only focusing on the parts of his messages that resonate for them (the Fed, Central Banks, Mexicans taking our jobs, terrorists, vague and otherwise conspiracies of varying magnitude, etc etc…), those who vote for him based on these single issues disregard the other very powerful and also popular views that he holds; the undeniable racism, the ridiculous “solutions” to alleged “problems” that things like a Giant Wall would “solve”, bombing places in the world until they basically stop “bothering” us, and a whole host of ludicrous solutions that appeal to a part of humanity best left in the caves of our not very ancient human past….which is where they belong.
This Willfull Ignorance, this choice to only focus on the little flake of Fool’s Gold in this giant pile of excrement, THAT is childish and foolish. But that is EXACTLY what this farce plays to, that 14 y/o need to fix the “One Big Thing” in some simple bar-parking-lot-fight kind of way, whatever the cost is attached to it.
These folks who succumb to this better hope they don’t get what they ask for. For those of us who understand what is happening here, you people terrify us, because we can see that you BELIEVE in it, and that is truly frightening, because we have learned from history that this kind of thing can become real and profound, very quickly.
When I see otherwise fairly rational friends of mine, whom I know to be decent people, falling prey to this, I know it’s real, and it’s profoundly shocking and scary to me.