Tell me how these little girls deserve to be bombed right out of their country, onto incredibly dangerous boat journeys, walking hundreds and hundreds of miles, starving, cold, sick, ignored or hated, attacked and raped and KILLED as they try to get to somewhere where they can just…live?
Tell me how it makes sense that we allow our giant Western Corporations and their Vampiric #TyrantClass Overlords start WAR in other countries for their own profit, and then we turn our backs as the regions go up in the flames that we’ve ignited, and the populations run for their lives, and we ignore them?
These are little kids, running for their lives, trusting their parents, dying with their parents, playing games with each other around fires, or dying alone of pneumonia in a bush their mother laid them in as she died, falling out of a boat in the middle of the sea in the dark night and hearing their mother’s frantic voice as she screams for you but she can’t see you to help you as you go beneath the waves…what could make this make sense to you? That this is correct, that this is ok?
This is all real. It’s all happening, and WE are to blame.
We allow it, even support it. We allow our “leaders” to con us into it, to believe in it, to scream at and fight each other for it, and then we sit back and popcorn/movie/Walmart/buy/complain/selfish as the hell we’ve unleashed on children just……happens. Over and over.
Well….I don’t know about you, but I’m going to do SOMETHING.
I don’t know what yet, but I’m going to learn more about this thing, and I’m going to find a way to help as many people as I can, and I’m going to put links and comments and info up here as I get it.
Maybe we can’t stop these #TyrantClass scum from doing this kind of thing in our names, maybe that’s too tall an order in this deeply divided and controlled and manipulated society, but maybe you or I can save one little girl, or feed one family, or give someone in a park a blanket, or WHATEVER we can do, SOMETHING!!
I have a little girl. I cannot imagine what the pressure would be that would make me go into this hellish journey these people are making with her in tow, going hungry and asking me questions and trying to stay alive; feet blistering, clothes and bodies unwashed, infections and disease and beating and being spit on and watching other die and be killed and feeling the hate of people and nations as you just try to save your child.
This feels like what the people on the upper floors of the WTC must have faced, dying in flames or jumping, and actually CHOOSING jumping, because that just seemed like the better choice. THAT was preferable.
So we’re finally hearing a candidate talking about the clear and obvious truths that this country is suffering from, mainly having to do with the #TyrantClass’s takeover of the government, mostly through cop orate proxy.
The grotesque privatization of the school system by the tried and true method of identifying a lucrative potential market currently being serviced by the government, begin a campaign of decrying the fault’s of that system while simultaneously surreptitiously defunding and regulating the the service into insolvency and incapacity, then sell it off to corporate buyers who immediately begin to cut services even more in the name of profits, yet continue to charge larger and larger amounts of money, while providing less and less services.
So now we have for the first time in a long time, a PRESIDENTIAL candidate who is willing to talk about these things openly, and starts from a place of accepting that these conditions in our society are a FACT.
That’s remarkable. And sadly so unusual…..
This doesn’t even MENTION the war industry’s weaseling our country into a state of perpetual war for something like that last 40 years at least.
Here he is talking about this very thing….
This guy deserves our attention, and in my opinion, our votes and support.
We as a people deserve this kind of truth from our leaders, tho if we DON’T VOTE for him, then maybe we don’t……
The blatant lying and hiding from the truth, all the while playing some semantics-based word game that distorts the very meanings of the words being used to excuse the machinations is beyond disgusting (Hatch is absolutely grotesque in his abuse of common sense here), yet we have a media pushing this blather down the throats of the American public like squeegee-weilding cleaners pushing shit and swill out of a pigsty and into the apparent gutter of the overall American “Mind”.
Forcing something so overreaching and powerful down the throats of not only the American people, but essentially any and ALL people in the associated nations, if not the entire Western trade system, is an illegality on it’s face, and should not being tolerated by ANY public ANYWHERE.
The obvious implications of not allowing anyone to even SEE it, much less have a public debate on it, should have ALL peoples affected out in the streets calling for politician’s heads. Which is the reasonable response to such abuse of a country’s people for the self-gain of a very few.
The profound corruption of our leaders and our processes is obvious and predictable, our lack of caring and our acceptance of our own inevitable fate if this succeeds is NOT so understandable.
From –
There’s no other explanation for the modern settling of differences with the prehistoric foolishness of flinging high speed pieces of metal at each other’s soldiers till one side has either seen enough of their children die, or has been literally physically overrun and subjugated.
It’s a barbarity and criminality that boggles the mind when you realize how much of it is done simply and only to fill the pockets of the “Death Industry”.
This kind of arrogance and immorality is normally reserved for religion and its minions, but here we have the representative of one of the top offenders calling it out….
Completely criminal scumbags, trying to frame an innocent man. Ok, technically a kid, but who cares right? Except his parents, and since they’re a minority, they’re not really humans to be cared about or listened to, right?