I just watched the Christchurch Terrorist’s video….
I’ve just seen the Christchurch terrorist’s video.
First of all, let’s be sure we understand what he himself says he is up to and call it what it is, terrorism.
He’s a terrorist, and should always be called that.
As well as a Neo-Nazi, white supremacist, etc etc, he’s every kind of evil scum that humanity produces rolled into one shit ball.
Let’s also talk about something that I think needs to be understood, and that is that there is a CLEAR difference between semi autos, and assault weapons, tho they are often the same weapon, they have different meanings and VERY different results.
I have written a thing about what I think about the Gun Issue (http://www.stillmusic.com/?p=1706), and watching this video confirms it again to me, and that boils to we need WAY more regulation/training/education/limits on any weapon that is designed as an assault weapon/rifle, because these calibers and designs of weapons are VERY CLEARLY not the same animal as what is used for recreational shooting. They are exponentially more destructive than regular cartridges/loads, and are MEANT TO BE.
Another thing that occurs to me, and that is that of the many many supporters of unregulated gun ownership out there, how many of them understand what happens, in reality, when shit stains like this actually DO what they DO?
What’s kind of shocking in this video and others like it is how weirdly NORMAL everything seems, cars going by, it’s kinda post-rainy, the sounds of a street and people around, how those sounds mostly continue even after the shooting starts…but what doesn’t fit is what it must have been like for that sound to happen at the front door, and then he appears in the room shooting. Very deliberately, aiming, reloading, going around making sure people are dead, coming back in several times to be sure, making “kill shots” to take away any chance of survival, going outside, coming back in……traffic still going by, people still in the street, (tho that clears up by the time he leaves and heads to the next place)….it’s utterly mundane out in the world, and in that mosque it’s a horrific outlandish nightmare of massacre and bodies.
I don’t think even the shooter really gets what it is he’s doing, he’s not attached to it…..like it’s a video game or something, something without humanity or suffering, just pull a trigger and people fall down and your score goes up, *WINNING*, so to speak.
I don’t think gun ownership/NRA types really get what these scenes are about, probably don’t even want to know, because then it becomes real, not some philosophical or theoretical discussion about rights and Constitution and Founding Fathers motives etc., it’s really simple what’s happening here, and it’s fucking Demonic and Hellish and pure RAW EVIL.
I think people NEED to see this.
If you’re an NRA type you need to know what your actions enable, and if you’re against assault weapon ownership you need to remember why you fight against this class of weapons, really get animated about it.
This is fiercely convincing.
For more of my thoughts about what should be done about gun ownership please read what I’ve linked to, I’m not trying to write that over again….I’m kinda more saying that people NEED to understand what these scenes and actions actually ARE, and how much they need to be stopped, and that the best way to do that is the same way the American Public got so animated about the Vietnam War that it was finally stopped (which BTW is why you NEVER see War on TV anymore, the people who make money from it can’t have that kind of pushback against their cash cow profit stream of War, so they got rid of it) which is they need to SEE IT. In that same way as the Vietnam War, people need to go against this kind of thing, and believe me, if everyone saw this, there would be MUCH more energy and agreement about stopping this kind of event. Much much more.
As for this guy…..well….he’s provided all the evidence we need for conviction, he def wasn’t trying to avoid it. For him and those like him, we need a new type and intensity of punishment, a kind that would deter like no other, a level of torture and long lasting agony that goes on for years, keeping them alive, letting them rest and regain their health and stability, then going in for more, for years and years….no suicide, no death, no pain pills, only keeping them alive, cycles of torture that never stops till they die of old age.
I’m good with that.
Yes I’m energized about this, I just watched this thing…but I think my response is the correct one, utter shock/outrage/horror/fear/repulsion/resolve….we NEED that energy to stop this shit, and that energy comes from understanding the actual REALITY of these events, because they cannot be allowed, and I think at this point we’ve come to the conclusion in this country that we’re going to allow them, and I think that’s unconscionable and core evil.
For the profits of some already rich assholes, or the delusional revolutionary fantasies of some half or fully crazy incel Internet Masturbaters, we’re gonna allow this to continue?
That video can be found, and you should see it. It will shake you up, it will revolt you, but it will also force you to have an opinion on this, and you will participate, guaranteed, and we need your participation.